Job Description:
Ansonia Middle School
Under the Direction of the Building Principal and Director/Assistant Director of Special Services, the Elementary Special Education Resource Room Teacher develops, provides, and evaluates specialized instruction and educational services, delivered in pull-out and/or inclusion settings, to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities as written/required in students’ Individual Educational Plans (IEP’s) to ensure a successful learning experience for those students identified as requiring special education services.
The following information is representative, not an exclusive description, of the essential functions of the job.
Prior to Referral to Special Education
Work collaboratively with regular educators to identify teaching interventions which match to student learning needs.
Assist in assessment of student responsiveness to teaching interventions designed to address learning needs.
Work collaboratively with regular educators to generally address student learning needs in an ongoing fashion within the context of the regular classroom.
Work collaboratively with regular educators to identify student strengths and vulnerabilities.
Assist in the preliminary identification of students for whom the suspicion of a disability exists.
Upon Referral to Special Education
Assist in the completion of all paperwork necessary to process an official referral to special education.
Serve as member of the Planning and Placement Team to:
Consider the appropriateness of referral to special education.
Design comprehensive and individualized assessments when students are initially referred for special education.
Planning & Placement Team Member
Consider the implication of evaluation and assessment data.
Determine eligibility for special education services and programs.
Develop, review and revise individualized education plans as required by law and district policy.
Design assessments to be used to reconsider student eligibility at least every three years.
Participate in decisions to discontinue students from eligibility for special education programs and services.
Assist in taking notes as assigned.
Provide input on goals and objectives and present levels of performance at Planning and Placement Team meetings.
Administer individualized educational assessments as designed by the Planning and Placement Team.
Score, analyze and interpret results of educational assessments in conjunction with other team evaluators. Communicate with parents and other Planning and Placement Team members regarding such assessments and results.
Prepare written reports of assessments including recommendations concerning interpretation of findings; intervention strategies, as well as specific instructional needs.
Present assessment results at Planning and Placement Team Meetings.
Assigned Case Manager
Serve as key liaison to larger community of learners and families for students on caseload.
Communicate pertinent information about teaching and learning for individual students to other teachers and service providers.
Maintains communication to parents and colleagues over time as needed to support and promote student services in the regular program.
Request assistance from (b) make referrals to related services staff, e.g., counseling, psychology, speech/language, etc., as needed.
Assist in the design and implementation of behavior management plans for students whose needs extend to this domain.
Maintain a schedule of annual reviews and triennial (re-evaluation) reviews consistent with law and district practice.
Plan and schedule Planning and Placement Team Meetings for assigned students as needed to comply with legal and district policy requirements.
Coordinate meetings with staff and/or parents as needed to share information regarding students’ programs and progress.
Ensure that all required paperwork is distributed to parents.
Ensure all paperwork for student transportation needs is completed in a timely fashion
Assist in the transition process of students from building to building and/or program to program.
Determine if additional training of staff is required and assure implementation of same
Provide direct instruction to students as outlined by the Individual Education Plans.
Provide collaborative instruction within regular classroom.
Provide consultation services to colleagues as needed.
Ensure that appropriate data is collected to support implementation of the IEP and be prepared to share data with building staff and parents.
Institute program revisions as needed
Supervision/Support of Paraprofessionals:
Provide direction to paraprofessionals to Individual Education Plan requirements and district policies and practices.
Provide support to paraprofessionals whose primary assignment is working with students in the regular education context to ensure compliance with Individualized Education Plan requirements and district policies and practices.
Provide ongoing direction and information about students on the caseload to both resource and classroom paraprofessionals.
Assist administration in the evaluation of paraprofessionals.
Assist administration in the review of paraprofessional candidates for hiring.
Develop and revise schedules with paraprofessionals as student needs arise and change.
The successful candidate must hold a valid Connecticut certified in Special Education (065) or (165) and possess:
Expertise in instruction using Connecticut Frameworks and developmentally appropriate materials and activities;
Highly developed skills in curriculum delivery, modification and accommodations, language support, and behavioral interventions for students with ASD and other disabilities;
Demonstrated ability to facilitate interaction between special needs and typical peers; and
Excellent written and oral communication skills.