Job Description:
Location: To be determined
Effective Date: As soon as possible
1. State of Connecticut Certification as a School Psychologist (#070)
2. Graduate degree in psychology
REPORTS TO: Building Principal
To provide a broad range of supportive services directed toward enhancing student performance. This involves interacting with students, families, teachers, and administrators. Student interactions include formal special education assessment, creating behavior intervention plans, and counseling services (individual, group, and family). Consultation with teachers and building level support includes participating in teams such as the PPT, EIP, and PBS initiatives. Crisis intervention, DCF referrals, and assistance with daily school functions are part of the job roles and responsibilities as well.
1. Complete Special Education assessments including, but not limited to: intellectual ability/disability, learning profiles/deficits, emotional functioning, attention deficits, autistic spectrum, and disruptive behavior disorders. Interpret assessment results for staff and parents and make recommendations based on those results.
2. Participate in building groups such as EIP (Early Intervention Process), PBS (Positive Behavior Initiative), and peer mediation.
3. Serve as an active member of the Planning and Placement Team.
4. Provide Special Education required and informal counseling (individual, group, and family).
5. Develop behavior plans, Behavior Intervention Plans, and Functional Behavior Assessments in consort with school-based teams.
6. Provide consultation for building staff regarding individual student needs.
7. Confer with teachers and parents as is necessary.
8. Assist staff with and make referrals to DCF (Department of Children and Families) as necessary.
9. Assist with interagency coordination. (e.g. juvenile probation, community mental health agencies, and DMR/BRS (Department of Mental Retardation/Bureau of Rehabilitative Services).
10. Serve as a consultant on mental health topics for instructors in the school health program.
11. Attends staff, professional, and interagency meetings.
12. Assist with in-service training of school personnel.
13. Conduct appropriate research.
14. Serve on the School Crisis Team and provide support on a district level for crisis responses as needed.
15. Provide classroom presentations on areas relevant to school psychology training and expertise.
16. Keeps abreast of new developments in the field, such as IDEIA and RTI (Response to Intervention).
17. Assume such other functions as may be determined.
10-month school year position (185 days)
Performance will be evaluated in accordance with the East Hartford Public Schools Teacher Evaluation Plan.
SALARY: Per Contract
The following documents must be complete and current for application to be considered for this position:
X Online Application
X Letter of Interest
X Resume
X Copy of valid certification and/or license
X Transcripts
X Three Letters of Recommendation