Job Description:
Certified Integrated Special Education Preschool Teacher
Jerome Harrison Elementary School
Consistent with the Professional Agreement between North Branford Board of Education and the North Branford Federation of Teachers
Stimulate the independence of each student as a learner, effectively assess student needs and progress, and plan instruction aligned to CT ELDS. Effectively communicate with students, parents and colleagues, and through the use of appropriate techniques and materials establish a positive climate where time, space and equipment are effectively organized for instruction. In addition, meet professional responsibility for continuing growth and fosters cooperative involvement with parents and the community. Additional duties as specified in the Agreement between the North Branford Board of Education and the North Branford Federation of Teachers.
A valid appropriate Connecticut teacher certificate such as, 112 - Integrated Early Childhood/Special Ed., Birth–Kindergarten; 113 - Integrated Early Childhood/Special Ed., Nursery–K–Elem., 1–3
Demonstrated excellence in special education teaching preschool or kindergarten.
Evidence of ability to work cooperatively with administrators, teachers and educational assistants.
Knowledge of State Standards
Technology skills (web-based applications, iPad applications, Excel, Microsoft Word, data collection tools)
Consistent with the Professional Agreement between North Branford Board of Education and the North Branford Federation of Teachers